
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Abstract Art

abstract art

yesterday at the national gallery

some kids said of a frankenthaler

it reminded them of mario kart

the numeral seven rainbows

by the sea a row of taffy thrown

off a float in a parade a bloody nose

spring came and everything

was possible the possibilities

seemed endless you fag

I whisper when he calls

newman’s stations of the cross

fabulous black boughs shorn

of bark charred tibia telephone

poles in a morning fog you fag

he says when I disappear

into the jasper johns

as if it were some shrubbery

a child could hide in

a changeless symbol taut skin

a silent drum delectable

it’s true

I want

to tell

the children

if you

lick it

art will

kil you


  1. (alphabetical) order is restored

  2. Wow is right. I love the form, the two fags slipped in so seamlessly. A couple things I admire in this poem: your whimsical tone, your courage - I think it is courage - to draw from pop-techno-culture like Mario Kart, parades, and telephone poles . . . and then the startlingly taut lineation at the end . . . Sweet, Drew.

  3. OMG, I TOTALLY want to lick this poem!

  4. do and you take your life in your tongue.

    *last line should be "kill" not "kil." stupid microsoft.

  5. I'm still digesting this poem, but I really do like the fact that each time I go back to it there seems to be something new for me. And that process of discovery is childlike is a way that I think fits well with the way that children figure in this poems structure and spirit. At the moment my favorite part is the disappearance into the Jasper Johns.

  6. Joel, just admit you want to lick this poem.

  7. less digestion, more licking?
